Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

My previous landlord doesn't want to give me back my money and now he has blocked me. What should I do?

You can lay a complaint at the Rental Housing Tribunal.

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I cannot afford conveyancing fees to transfer a property into my name. What can I do?

You can approach a pro bono legal organisation for help.

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What does the law says about minors who cannot pay outstanding municipal debt on an RDP house?

The children qualify as an indigent household.

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Is it possible for an RDP house to change ownership without the signed permission of the person who was named the dependent?

You should first find out whether the title deeds were issued in your mother's name.

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My mother passed away 7 years ago while waiting for a house. What is going to happen to that house?

It depends on several factors.

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The new owner of my flat told me to move out earlier than what we agreed on. What must I do?

You can't be evicted without a court order.

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My late employer's son wants to claim his fatherโ€™s RDP house where I've lived for 23 years. Can he do that?

It depends on who he named as the beneficiary of the house.

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Can my wife's application for a house in Mitchells Plain be transferred to Eerste River?

Yes, but you'll still have to wait on the Eerste River waiting list.

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Should my parents pay the municipality for an RDP house they gave to my uncle?

It depends on the arrangement between your parents and your uncle.

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Can I change the dependent I registered as the sole beneficiary of my RDP house?

Yes, you need to decide to whom you wish to leave the house

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