Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

We want to sell the RDP house that belongs to my husband and his previous girlfriend. She’s never lived there but wants a share of the money. Can she do this?

Yes, she may if her name appears on the title deeds.

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Can I sell my RDP house if I don't have the title deed?

To sell your RDP house, you must have the title deed and must have lived in it for eight years

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Is the RDP application process the same in Gauteng as the rest of the country?

Yes, you apply in the same way for an RDP house wherever you live

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My late mother was registered for an RDP house. Do her children have a claim to this house?

No, you can’t take up anyone’s place on the waiting list when they pass away

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How can I check if there are any disputes involving the property I am buying and is a letter of executorship enough proof of ownership?

A letter of executorship is not enough proof on its own.

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What are the risks involved in the informal buying of an RDP house, and how can I ensure that the house is correctly registered and transferred?

You will need the title deed and a conveyancing attorney to make mitigate the risk.

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How can I transfer an RDP house into my child’s name, when I have a letter of authority?

You need to make sure the title deed is in your child's name.

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I live in my late father's RDP house. How do I transfer water and electricity bills to my name?

With the letter of authority, you can ask the municipality to transfer bills to your name

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How do I apply for a Breaking New Ground (BNG) house?

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Can my landlord increase the rent twice in four months?

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