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Topic: Inheritance | Show questions and answers for all topics
Go to the Master of the High Court where the letter of authority was issued and ask them to help you.
Agreement amongst the five siblings is key to dealing successfully with inheriting your late brother’s properties. It is only the executor who has the right to deal with the deceased estate.
Yes, you can. The Supreme Court ruled that lump sum payments of deceased estates could be made in terms of the law.
You can access a deceased person's unclaimed funds through the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA).
You can negotiate an antenuptial contract with accrual with your new wife.
You can lay a complaint with the Legal Practice Council.
You cannot access your father's deceased estate, including his bank account, without permission from the Master of the High Court.
All powers of attorney lapse when the owner dies.
The present executor is allowed to finalise the two estates concurrently.
If your parents were married in community of property, which is likely, then the RDP house belongs to them both, jointly.