Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.
10% of your old vested pot will be transferred to your new savings pot. The remaining 90% will be divided between your savings pot and your retirement pot.
Not if you got married on or after 1 November 1984.
They will need a visitor's visa and a letter of non-impediment from their home country. Then you will go through the normal marriage registration process with Home Affairs.
You will not be able to access any social grants in future until your debt is paid.
Accommodations should be made to help you if you look different because you have aged since your last ID photo was taken and your fingerprints are faded.
The UIF or Labour Department should be able to give your complete employment history.
Yes. Since Home Affairs' issuing of Circular 7, foreign nationals can now apply for their waivers from the labour department directly.
There are certain conditions under which a medical aid can terminate your membership, but retirement does not appear to be one of them.
Claims have to be submitted within three years of the date of death, but it could be worth contacting the relevant trust to confirm.
If the manager or owner does not address your issue, you can lay a complaint to the HPCSA.