Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Labour  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

I need help with my employer who is harassing me because I have refused to have a COVID vaccination. I also suspect that my employer will withhold my pension on the grounds of incomplete forms.

Perhaps you can ask SASBO the Finance Union as it is known, for advice. You should ask the HR department to assist you to check if there are any errors. It is HR’s job to assist employees in that way.

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My employer filed their papers late in their opposition to my CCMA case, but has not applied for condonation of the late filing. What happens now?

Ask your lawyer to investigate whether it is advisable (or still possible) to object to the late filing of the employer’s opposing affidavit.

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Can I reopen my worker's compensation case if I was retrenched after being injured on duty?

If your injury happened less than two years ago, your injury on duty case should still be open.

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Can I claim my late father’s position in the mine he was working for before he was injured in the 1990s?

Only family members of the 20 miners who died in the Kloof Ikamva shaft accident in 2018 can claim jobs. You will need to apply in the regular way,

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How can I collect my UIF if my employer refuses to register with NBCRFLI?

An employer is legally required to register with the specific bargaining council that applies to the employer’s main scope of work. If the employer does not comply they can be fined.

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What can I do if SARS keeps declining my tax directive application to access my provident fund? My Malawian passport expired and I lost my job six months ago.

If your tax directive application is declined, it may be due to incorrect data captured

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Can a company withhold an employee's salary if the company's client did not pay them?

Absolutely not. A worker is employed by the company, not the company’s client.

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My employer didn't pay the money they deducted from my wages to the provident fund. Now what?

You should send a registered letter to the Trustees of the Fund asking them to investigate.

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Was I wrong for stopping my domestic worker's UIF contributions when she applied for a SASSA grant?

You are supposed to pay UIF contributions until your employee stops working for you.

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What can I do if my ex employer has refused to give me my UI-19 form for five years?

You can report them to the Department of Labour.

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