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Topic: Sassa  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Is my wife entitled to an older person's grant from SASSA if we are married out of community of property?

Both spouses must comply with the means test, even if they are married out of community of property.

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Can I get my SRD grant money for months that I was unable to collect before?

You can collect payments from August 2021 to March 2022.

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Do I qualify for a SASSA loan?

SASSA does not give loans.

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What should I do if my children's SASSA cards have been left with a moneylender?

You have to contact SASSA.

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What can I do if I don't qualify for government housing and have no source of income?

First claim your UIF, if you qualify. Then apply for the new Covid-19 SRD grant.

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Can I apply for a child grant if my partner isn't South African?

You can apply for the child support grant if your partner is a refugee or permanent resident.

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Does the disability grant cover mental health issues?

Sometimes, but ultimately it is up to SASSA's discretion

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Can I re-apply for a child's grant now that my husband has walked out on us?

Yes, if you still qualify. You can also open a maintenance claim against your husband.

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Does SASSA go against the Constitution by considering all marriages as in community of property for grant applications?

Probably not.

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Can SASSA give me a one-off advance or loan on an existing grant?

You may want to apply for the SRD grant and try to get maintenance from your children's father.

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